Tuesday, August 14, 2007
About 5.332 meters long ... |
Hi people!!! Today was my english test. It was quite fine, 30/50 will be enogh for me. But the length of the paper was DISASTROUS. It was seriously about 5 meters long !!! |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 4:33 AM
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Wordless Wednesday - Dragon Fly |

Happy Wordless Wednesday people!
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 2:47 PM
Monday, August 6, 2007
Happy Friendship Day !!! |
Hey Friends !!! A very Happy Friendship Day to ALL of you. Have fun !!! |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 8:04 AM
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Magic |
Hi people. Today a man came from Rajasthan claiming to be a Magic Man.(not to metion that the same man had come at least 3 times in the past). He took out coloured paper folded it until it became as small as his thumb and then cut a design which unravelled to be a girl or rather girls. |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 7:53 AM
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
YouTube Takeover |
Attention! Attention! Attention!!!
There has been a Superbad Takeover of the YouTube Homepage!! The best part is, it occurred TODAY!, so thanks to PayPerPost, I'm one of the FIRST reporters ! Yippee!
Anyway - here's the news:
You can check some of the best and out realllllly exclusive clips on SuperBad Clips - a well put together absorbing website with a very striking web-page ;-)
Go to Youtube.com to check out the 5 Superbad Clips on their homepage - I have already checked these all out - and I'm not going to tell you what's in them (that would remove the fun of the entire thing), and my sole advice to you is - GO CHECK 'EM OUT NOW - you won't regret it!!!
Are You SuperBad is the best place I could find on the net for ringtones and downloadables (you know, wallpapers, buddy icons and fun stuff like that) - plus it has a user-friendly interface and site design system which makes it quite irresistable.

Superbad - I've pu this last link here so that you folks won't forget to visit the Main Site - the home to all of the news I've just shot out at you! Don't forget to visit this one too, end enjoy!

This is a Sponsored Post for which I shall be paid through PayPerPost |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 5:09 AM
Great News!!! |
Good god people! I'm so flustered today!!!
Guess what!1
I've been inducted into the SCHOOL BASKETBALL TEAM! Now I have to go for practice DAILY - and since the team has been put together so late, we have to work very, very very...endless 'very's hard since the Zonal Matches are only 3 DAYS AWAY!
Maybe you can understand now why I'm quite flustered!
:) |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 1:12 AM
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
I Rate My Day! |
I've just come across this fantastic website through PayPerPost - I Rate My Day
Basically, its all about you rating your day by choosing one of 5 options: - Great! I feel really good! - Good, it's a nice day! - As usual, it seems to be a pretty normal day. - Bad, something is not going like I would like. - Worst! I feel so bad!
Also, one of the main features of this website is a Contest, through which you can win a Microsoft Zune media player! Imagine! I've already played once - you should try it out too, as an account is free,and incredibly fast and simple to create.

This is a sponsored post for which i shall be paid through PayPerPost |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 8:23 AM