There has been a Superbad Takeover of the YouTube Homepage!! The best part is, it occurred TODAY!, so thanks to PayPerPost, I'm one of the FIRST reporters ! Yippee!
Anyway - here's the news:
You can check some of the best and out realllllly exclusive clips on SuperBad Clips - a well put together absorbing website with a very striking web-page ;-)
Go to to check out the 5 Superbad Clips on their homepage - I have already checked these all out - and I'm not going to tell you what's in them (that would remove the fun of the entire thing), and my sole advice to you is - GO CHECK 'EM OUT NOW - you won't regret it!!!
Are You SuperBad is the best place I could find on the net for ringtones and downloadables (you know, wallpapers, buddy icons and fun stuff like that) - plus it has a user-friendly interface and site design system which makes it quite irresistable.
Superbad - I've pu this last link here so that you folks won't forget to visit the Main Site - the home to all of the news I've just shot out at you! Don't forget to visit this one too, end enjoy!
This is a Sponsored Post for which I shall be paid through PayPerPost