Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Tell-me-why |
Hi friends !!! TELL ME WHY. Today I took out the old fat book containing Tell Me Whys. After banging the oily, dusty covers of the book, I opened it with an air if disgust, as tiny fragments of dust scattered all over me. But as I turned the pages of the book, I got more and more interested and I wouldn't budge when my brother came in calling me for badminton. Everyone in the house was surprised at my behaviour that made me facinated in the book :-o I decided that now I would pay more attention to these type of things. |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 7:53 PM
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Folding Trousers |
Hallo, friends!!! Today an argument between my mother and brother puffed up. My brother had to go somewhere and he was grumbling bacause his trouser kept coming under his foot and tripping him. He sat down to fold them. But my mother popped up from somewhere and told him to leave it as it was for it was looking very nice. My brother told her to choose between fashion or tearing the trousers. The prompt answer was - "Fold them up a bit so that it won't be seen but don't tear them." In this way mom did at last get her way!!! |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 7:45 PM
Saturday, May 19, 2007
I'm a Joker |
Hi friends! Today I was woken up by my mother shouting in my ear, "tel malish-tel malish" (hair massage). I couldn't refuse- she already had the bottle over my face. She put loads of oil singing out aloud and making me stink to glory.On top of that, she suddenly got this idea of me getting pimples and started putting great big blobs of a gooey cream that made my look like a Kathakali dancer(except that my face was pink).She seriously made me look like a joker today! |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 10:24 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Fruit cubes |
Hi people!
Today mom and dad had gone out to work. Our innovative minds searched for a surprise to give them. At last we decided to make fruit cubes. First we made some lemonade and added some rooh -afza (i know it sounds horrible but its quite nice) then we added a bit of diluted frooty and put it in ice trays. LO BEHOLD!!! In an hour they were ready and when mom and dad arrived we served them with hot cookies. It was a success :):):):):):):):):) |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 7:49 AM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Hi people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must say- people who have tata sky as their tv communicator are extremely lucky. Tata Sky has introduced a new channel BBC ENTERTAINMENT. iTS FROM 6to7. I garuntee you- you'll fall of as soon as you see the first 3 minutes specially of FAULTY TOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 6:18 AM
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Faliure |
Good morning people But I can't fing any excuse to call it a good one. Mom DID find out about the cake. In the morning I was woken up by my brother, who was very sad. He confused me even more by saying, "I got to know why mothers are called cats". I went to the kitchen, and found mom peeling off the cover of a very mournful-looking cake.I could only emit an "eeeoouu"!!! Mom had just peeled off the bottom layer and a gooey substance had flowed out into the sink. I was feeling quite vomitish. After asking her how she had got to know about it, she answered that she had SMELT it. I understood my brother's words. The cake was a FALIURE. :( :( :( :( :( |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 10:23 PM
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Caking up |
Hallo, friends!!! Mom and dad had gone to the mart after dinner. It was 8:00pm. My imaginative brother got this horrendous idea of making a cake. It sounded quite incredible to me, but he was more confident than he had been for his boards. We started making the cake. First of all my brother instructed me to take out the recipe book from mom's cupboard. I went to it and found that key not in the lock. We searched all over the house but didn't find the key. We flopped down onto the bed, all hope lost. Suddenly my brother gave a yell. I almost jumped out of my skin. He slowly put his hand into his pockets. I was hoping that I wouldn't see what I thought. But it was. My brother took out the cupboard key from his pocket. After a few yells (which were me giving him wacks) we resumed our so-called baking. My brother broke the eggs,etc.(the smelly job) and I mixed the flour with the cocoa (the easy job). We finished up, with me spilling half the cake mixture onto the floor. After 1/4 the cake was baked, my brother gave a blood-curdling shriek. I asked him what had happened. Very reluctently, he answered me. We hadn't put in the suger. He actually sounded CALM. I was flabbergasted. We had forgotten to put the suger! How very stupid! We took out the cake. The poor thing looked like something horrible. We took out the suger and started mixing it with the half-cooked cake. It was 9:00pm now. the kitchen was all messy. We cleaned up everything. Mom would surely not open the oven at 9:30pm. We went to our beds, disgruntled. We had to face tomorrow. |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 2:57 AM