Thursday, June 7, 2007
My First Ever Thursday Thirteen! |
Well, This Is My First Ever Thursday Thirteen (Please Don't Mind The Capital Beginning Of Each Word, But I'm Just Too Excited, And This Is My Way Of Expressing My Excitement HEE HEE HEE)
Well, HERE GOES: (OK, back to normal now!)
Thirteen of The NAUGHTIEST, practically EVILLIST (I know the spelling's all wrong) things I've ever done:
By the way: I did these INTENTIONALLY!
1. Put salt instead of sugar into my brother's tea (you should have heard the yells that emanated!)
2. Put sugar onto the radishes before putting them onto his plate (now that was like putting the fat from the frying pan into the fire)
3. I received a little water rose on my birthday - when you squeezed the stem, water spurted out of its centre. Well, I used it with GREAT effect on all of my cousins :)
The next three got to be known as THE GREAT COFFEE INCIDENT:
4. I put cooking powder into instead of coffee
5. I put salt instead of sugar (I know thats an old one)
6. I put a lump of butter into each (it looked like vanilla ice-cream)
7. I laughed my head off at everyone's expressions after they tasted it (You see, the net visual result was most remarkably like cold coffee)
8. I put grass into my cousin's open mouth while he was snoring
9. While polishing my brother's shoes, I polished the underside as well, so wherever he went, big black footprints followed him.
10. Once I polished my elder sister's shoes with her face cream - I still giggle when I think of that little episode
11. I sewed up the same sister's coat sleeve from the inside - It made her wonder if she had grown an extra arm or two
12. I've done this one several times - smearing butter on my brother's spectacles
13. I filled my sister's umbrella with insects - so that when she wold open it, she would get the shock of her lifetime - she's yet to open it - I WISH IT WOULD RAIN SOON!!!
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 6:59 AM
Welcome to Thursday Thirteen, Fiddle!
LOVE the list; I can see some of my fictional characters doing some of this stuff! You are deliciously evil and I hope to get to know you better over the upcoming weeks.
Happy TT!
Welcome to TT! You are indeed wonderfully evil! My husband, That Man, soaked his dad's cigarettes in vinegar and then put them back in the box. I also put a cherry cough drop in my dad's coffee when he went to the bathroom, and he drank the whole cup before he noticed. :-)
Aren't siblings wonderful, LOL! I almost poisoned my little brother by mixing up a nasty cocktail using all the various liquor from my parents' cabinet. I was just a kid & had no idea how sick it could've made him had he actually drunk it. Fortunately, my parents caught me in the act before I could give it to him.
I just love #8....remind me never to fall asleep around you! Hapyy TT.
Umm... YOU ARE EVIL! Anyway, Happy Thursday Thirteen!This Blog is one of my FAVOURITES now - your style of writing is marvellous!!
You poor siblings! Welcome to Thursday Thirteen! My 47th one is posted. I enjoyed reading yours.
I'm one of 5. What stories I could tell.
You butter smearer.
Thanks for visiting my TT.
My hubby doesn't need help eating weird things. We were at a buffet he got a big helping of vanilla pudding. Only it was whipped butter.
Hope you enjoy your first TT.
Remind me NEVER to piss you off! LOL Fun list. Welcome to TT!!
Welcome to TT! That was a GREAT first list. :) From the looks of things, you are a practical jokester. I am SO GLAD that I am not related to you. ;)
Have a great week.
Wow - glad I don't live in your house! Welcome to TT land and have a great day.
You sure are a prankster! I think I might try the water squirting flower on my sister Pixie!
Oh, you're one of THOSE people. A practical joker. Your next list should be of what these poor folks did to get back at you. Cool list, I'll have to try some of these on my daughters.
Ah.... you're like me! I love screwing with people!
Welcome to Thursday Thirteen. You really sound like a joker to me! Hope your siblings still love you. :)
Some of those are just evil...lol
Welcome aboard Fiddlesticks. I love your warped sense of humor. I pust peanut butter on the toilet seat once. My mother gave me a spanking and sent me to my room. I guess she didn't see the humor in it. Thanks for the smiles. You did a great job.
And do your siblings still speak to you? *laughs*
Cindi Welcome to TT
Great list! My TT is up @ http://emeraldcityguy.wordpress.com/2007/06/07/thursday-thirteen-3/
Welcome to TT! I like to play jokes, too! I told my family that I accidentally added breastmilk to the mashed potatoes. I also showed my dh an old pregnancy test so he thought I was pregnant!
The last one was funny. What kind of insects?
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Welcome to Thursday Thirteen, Fiddle!
LOVE the list; I can see some of my fictional characters doing some of this stuff! You are deliciously evil and I hope to get to know you better over the upcoming weeks.
Happy TT!