Saturday, June 30, 2007
Sudoku |
Hi people! Our school told us to do fifteen sudokus for our holiday homework and now im quite good at it! |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 7:53 PM
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Happy Thirsday Thirteen !!! |
Thirteen things I didn't like in my holiday homework: (this includes disasters)
1.Having a cleanliness drive session in our society. (apparently all the children in our society had been given this task-BOOHOOHOO)
2.Writing a 1-month-report on the weather of Delhi.
3.Going to my grandma and squeezing out tales of the past. (I had to endure seeing souveni
ors sh had kept)
4.Go outside and pick up rocks from the surrounding to see which type they were (some people thought I was a road-cleaner)
5.Taking interview of the vegetable man
6. Teaching my servants daughter how to write (she claimed she had studied till 8the class )
7. Writing my daily diet for one week (it isn't exactly BALANCED)
8. Making a jigsaw puzzle out of a world map (i'll have to give all the credit to my brother)
9. The school instructed us to read James Herriot- I bought a heavy book which (not surprisingly) fell on my little toe and now I can see close ups of the rainbow.
10. We were told to find out information about global warming in three subjects and I compiled the information for all three in one folder. (I don't know about the results)
Ok, fine, i enjoyed the rest!!
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 7:42 PM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The Police CD(Pay Per Post) |
Do you like Police Cd? I think it is just too good. Here's their new EYEWONDER BANNER. It is a one stop shop to know what is the latest and greatest with one of the all time most successful bands, The Police - and they have come up with the Police Cd
By the way, for the uneducated, the Police is a world famous band that specializes in a fantastic fusion of Rock, Reggae and Punk. They use a fresh approach to playing as a three-piece - not just innovative, but also highly effective!
Please click on this to go and view an awesome banner where you can watch The Police's videos, listen to tracks from The Police's new 2 cd hits collection, enter to win a trip to NYC to see The Police in concert and even view details about their current world tour.
I would have posted that banner here, but Blogger is playing up again and not letting me do it, anyway, I've put up a slightly different banner which Blogger mercifully let me put up.:

Don't you think its supercool? Well, even if you don't, I think it is a marvellous piece of work - your opinion doesn't matter right now - after all, it is my blog (HA HA HA - Loud Evil Laughter)
Some of the features that are present are: Videos Track List / Jukebox Tour Enter The Contest (Yummm...I'm going taking part after this post!) Send To Friend Ringtones (I've already taken three from them)
Very recently (in fact, as recently as June 5th), they released a two disc compilation. If you buy it, you will get a vintage poster along with it since the purchase includes one!
I simply love The Police, and if any of you trust me enough yet, my advice is: GO BUY IT NOW!

Disclosure: This is a Sponsored Post for which i'll be paid through Pay Per Post
Police Cd |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 3:38 PM
Boo Hoo Hoo |
It is quite sad to realise that your holidays are ending. Still to see the school with its high buildings and lawns and meeting friends is still exciting. When are your holidays ending? |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 8:00 AM
Happy Wordless Wednesday - LEAVES... |

Leaves against Clouds - I love this pic! Happy WW!  |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 4:55 AM
Bet 365! (Pay Per Post) |
Bet365 is a website which is just too cool - a flashy beginning coupled with extensive exciting services they provide makes it a marvellous combination. In two short words, it is an online casino, which specializes in online poker (which incidentally, I know how to play, and let me tell you, this website had me hooked!)
You can bet on lots on lots of sports occuring out there in the world, neatly categorized in the left sidebar of the site.What's more, an interactive games section is also present, where you can freak out. The icing on the cake is the fact that they provide a one wallet system so that you can enjoy the benefits of their full range of services through one manageable account. Live Chat facilities are also there, + you can become one of their affiliates!
Well, howzzat? What r u folks waiting for? Lets go GAMBLE!
Disclosure: This is a Sponsored Post for which i'll be paid through Pay Per Post |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 1:06 AM
Monday, June 25, 2007
Finished!!! |
Hi people. Today I decided to sit down and finish all the gastly holiday homework. In the end I had to wear a bandage (that was the result of writing twenty pages) but in the end all of it was satisfactory |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 7:38 PM
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Thursday Thirteen!! |
So Here Goes - Thirteen Bed Spread Design I Love: (back to normal after this :-D)
1. Animal paw design
2. Blue +White stripes
3. Green Yellow squares
4. Tintin Cartoon
5. Lepard Print
6. Fiddlesticks Logo - I KNOW I'LL NEVER GET IT THOUGH :(
7. Tom and Jerry Cartoon
8.Winnie the Pooh print
9.Complicated Designs
10.Streaks of Different Colour
11. Blue-green circles
Happy TT!
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 6:54 AM
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Happ WW! |
 Happy Wordless Wednesday everybody!!
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 3:05 PM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
HummingBIRD |
Hello people Today I came to know an interesting fact. Only Hummingbirds and just a few others are called with a 'bird' in the end. For eg. we don't say- crowBIRD, sparrowBIRD etc. Amazing, isn't it??? |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 3:49 AM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
5 Minutes !!! |
Hi people!!! Today my brother was going for his class at about 9:20. As he had slept very little at night, and was tired of waiting for the car and conveniently went into the room and started snoring. I, who was playing basketball outside, didn't have any idea. The car came honking outside and I went in to call him. I called out several times but only grunts and snores replied to my shouts. Suddenly a horrible thought struck me. I went into his room. HE was sleeping !!! I took hold of his leg and pulled. He woke up with a start. It was useless shouting in his ear. He was apparently looking for his test paper under the pillow. At last when his friend came him and gave him a good hard slap (I never thought of that) did he wake up and go !!! |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 9:25 PM
Friday, June 15, 2007
Shock!!! |
Hi people!!! Today my brother got an electric shock. The people living on the first floor were having whitewashing.Buckets of water spalshed down upon our roof and passers by unthe the roof. Today my father made the helperboy go up and clean the roof. the helperboy (who's as stupid as a donkey) pushed the shot circuited wire down. My brother was just passing below the roof. His hand caught the wire. Nobody had noticed anything. Suddenly I realised that he had become very stiff, rigid and did not move. A horrible thought struck me. I took a wooden stick and caught hold of his shirt and pulled. His body immediately became relaxed.His hand is still blue as ink from the after efect. It was quite a shock for us !!! |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 3:13 AM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Happy TT !!! |
Here are thirteen things I did in my Summer Holidays:
1.Tried to trouble my brother( unsuccessfully BOOHOOHOO !!!)
2.I read loads of books
3.Went out to a nearby park and did Nature Photography (im putting all of those in my WW)
4.I TRIED to do my holiday homework (i assure you its quite ghastly)
5.I started a new blog (maybe i shouldve put this first :) )
6.I went for basaketball training in school (result : brother calling me unwashed because of tanning :D )
7.I poured a whole bottle of shampoo into a water bucket and then took one hour bathing (the results can't be described)
8.I stuffed grass into my brother's mouth while he was sleeping (I know that sounds evil but i was just paying back)
9.One day I watched 8 movies one after the other- quite a coincidence !!! (i called this the movie day)
10.I learnt all the states of India and Pakistan (its quite tough)
11. I tried to be artistic and started drawingflamboyant pictures (wildly unsuccessful) 12. I decided to be less artistic and started drawing pics of everyday scenes - MUCH more successful 13. I did (almost all) of my Holiday Homework
Hapy TTing everyone!
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 2:21 AM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Wordless Wednesday |

Happy Wordless Wednesday!!
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 2:06 AM
Monday, June 11, 2007
Last Day !!! |
Hi people!!! Today was the last day of the basketball summer camp. At first we were delighted to hear ma'am when she announced that there was going to be no warmup today but only a tow and a half long match. Only then did we realize that warmup was MUCH more favourable !!! |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 8:04 AM
Thursday, June 7, 2007
My First Ever Thursday Thirteen! |
Well, This Is My First Ever Thursday Thirteen (Please Don't Mind The Capital Beginning Of Each Word, But I'm Just Too Excited, And This Is My Way Of Expressing My Excitement HEE HEE HEE)
Well, HERE GOES: (OK, back to normal now!)
Thirteen of The NAUGHTIEST, practically EVILLIST (I know the spelling's all wrong) things I've ever done:
By the way: I did these INTENTIONALLY!
1. Put salt instead of sugar into my brother's tea (you should have heard the yells that emanated!)
2. Put sugar onto the radishes before putting them onto his plate (now that was like putting the fat from the frying pan into the fire)
3. I received a little water rose on my birthday - when you squeezed the stem, water spurted out of its centre. Well, I used it with GREAT effect on all of my cousins :)
The next three got to be known as THE GREAT COFFEE INCIDENT:
4. I put cooking powder into instead of coffee
5. I put salt instead of sugar (I know thats an old one)
6. I put a lump of butter into each (it looked like vanilla ice-cream)
7. I laughed my head off at everyone's expressions after they tasted it (You see, the net visual result was most remarkably like cold coffee)
8. I put grass into my cousin's open mouth while he was snoring
9. While polishing my brother's shoes, I polished the underside as well, so wherever he went, big black footprints followed him.
10. Once I polished my elder sister's shoes with her face cream - I still giggle when I think of that little episode
11. I sewed up the same sister's coat sleeve from the inside - It made her wonder if she had grown an extra arm or two
12. I've done this one several times - smearing butter on my brother's spectacles
13. I filled my sister's umbrella with insects - so that when she wold open it, she would get the shock of her lifetime - she's yet to open it - I WISH IT WOULD RAIN SOON!!!
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 6:59 AM
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Wow !!! |
Today I was woken up by a heavenly smell of Spanish Omelette. I went down to find my father taking out a dish of some type from the oven. At first I thought that it was a apple pie of some sort but after smelling it I changed my mind. After eating it I was in Dreamland. Later I vowed to eat it every Sunday. Ah yes! I forgot to tell you about the movie today. Today I saw Star Wars- The Attack Of The Clones. It was a BLAST.I hope everyday of my holidays would be as good!!!!!!!! |
posted by Dumb Fiddler @ 7:59 PM